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Sliding input device, showing current value and selectable range.

Basic usage

Basic usage of sliding input bar.


Disable the slider.


Set the step size by step, the default step size is 1. It is recommended to set a value that can be divisible by max-min, otherwise, the optional maximum value will be less than max. When show-ticks is set, the step ticks are displayed.

Step is 10

Step is 20

Step is 20 and show ticks


You can add text labels by setting marks.

Range slider

Range selection can be turned on by setting range, at this time modelValue is an array.

Show input

When show-input is set, the input will be displayed.

Vertical slider

Set direction is vertical and a vertical slider will be displayed.

Custom tooltip

You can customize the prompt text by setting format-tooltip.


Besides default size, tu-slider component provides three additional sizes for you to choose among different scenarios. Use attribute size to set additional sizes with mini, small, large.

Slider API

Slider Attributes

v-modelBinding valueNumber Array-
default-valueDefault value (uncontrolled state))Number Array0
stepSliding stepNumber1
minMinimum sliding rangeNumber0
maxMaximum sliding rangeNumber-
marksSet the displayed labelObject-
directionThe direction of the sliderStringhorizontal
disabledWhether Slider is disabledBooleanfalse
show-ticksWhether Slider is to show ticksBooleanfalse
show-inputWhether Slider is to show inputBooleanfalse
rangeWhether Slider is to use range selectionBooleanfalse
show-tooltipWhether Slider is to show tooltipBooleantrue

Slider Events

changeTrigger when the value changesFunction