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A simple confirmation dialog of an element click action.

Basic usage

Basic usage of popconfirm.

Custom button

Customize the text or icon of the button.

popconfirm supports 12 different positions. They are: upper left upper upper right lower left down lower right upper left left lower left upper right right lower right.


The type of the confirmation box can be set via the type property.

Popconfirm API

Popconfirm Attributes

popup-visible / v-modelWhether the popconfirm is visibleBoolean-
default-popup-visibleWhether the popconfirm is visible by default (uncontrolled mode)Booleanfalse
positionPopup positionStringtop
typeTypes of the popconfirmStringinfo
ok-textThe content of the ok buttonString-
cancel-textThe content of the cancel buttonString-
ok-loadingWhether the ok button is in the loading stateBooleanfalse
ok-button-propsWhether the ok button is in the loading stateButtonProps-
cancel-button-propsProps of cancel buttonButtonProps-
content-classThe class name of the popup contentClassName-
content-styleThe style of the popup contentCSSProperties-
arrow-classThe class name of the popup arrowClassName-
arrow-styleThe style of the popup arrowCSSProperties-
popup-containerMount container for popupString HTMLElement null undefined-
on-before-okThe callback function before the ok event is triggered. If false is returned, subsequent events will not be triggered, and done can also be used to close asynchronously.Function-
on-before-cancelThe callback function before the cancel event is triggered. If it returns false, no subsequent events will be triggered.Function-

Popconfirm Events

popup-visible-changeTriggered when the visible or hidden state of the bubble confirmation box changes.Function
okTriggered when the confirm button is clicked.-
cancelTriggered when the cancel button is clicked.-

Popconfirm Slots
