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When the mouse hovers, focus, or click on a component, a bubble-like card floating layer will pop up. You can manipulate the elements on the card.

Basic usage

Move the mouse in or click to pop up bubbles, which can operate on the elements on the floating layer, and carry complex content and operations.


By setting trigger, you can specify different trigger methods.

Popover supports 12 different positions. They are: upper left upper upper right lower left down lower right upper left left lower left upper right right lower right.


Besides default size, tu-popover component provides three additional sizes for you to choose among different scenarios. Use attribute size to set additional sizes with mini, small, large.

Popover API

Popover Attributes

popup-visible / v-modelWhether the popover is visibleBoolean-
default-popup-visibleWhether the popover is visible by default (uncontrolled mode)Booleanfalse
titleTitle of PopoverString-
contentContent of PopoverString-
triggerTrigger methodStringhover
positionPosition of PopoverStringtop
content-classThe class name of the popup contentClassName-
content-styleThe style of the popup contentCSSProperties-
arrow-classThe class name of the popup arrowClassName-
arrow-styleThe style of the popup arrowCSSProperties-
popup-containerMount container for pop-up boxString HTMLElement null undefined-

Popover Events

popup-visible-changeTriggered when the text bubble display status changesFunction

Popover Slots
