By clicking the input box, you can select a date from a popup calendar.
The basic usage of DatePicker.
The basic usage of the YearPicker.
The basic usage of the MonthPicker.
The basic usage of QuarterPicker.
The basic usage of WeekPicker.
The basic usage of RangePicker.
Date range
Week range
Month range
Quarter range
Year range
DateTime range
DatePicker showTime
Use showTime to select a date with time.
Show hours & minutes
Show hours & minutes & seconds
Time range
DatePicker has a default value.
Format date
Disabled date
Use disabledDate to disable specified dates. And use disabledTime to disable time, which needs to be used with showTime.
Disabled date
Disabled dateRange
Disabled dateTime
Disabled dateTime range
Use shortcuts to preset time for quick selection.
Date time
Date time range
Month range
Custom shortcuts position
Use shortcutsPosition to place the shortcuts to the left, right or bottom.
Dynamic control range
According to the selected value to control the selected range, use onSelect and disabledDate.
Select the range of 7 days
Extra footer
Add an extra footer to meet the needs of some customized information.
Customize cell
Use the named slot cell to customize the date cell.
Support two-way binding through v-model
Date value
DateRange value
Customize trigger element
Customize trigger element.
Panel Only
Only use panel, hide input selection.
Besides default size, tu-input component provides three additional sizes for you to choose among different scenarios. Use attribute size to set additional sizes with mini, small, large.
Common API
Common Attributes
Name | Description | Type | Default |
locale | Internationalization configuration, used to cover the locale file in the datePicker field | Record | - |
hide-trigger | There is no trigger element, only the selection panel is displayed | Boolean | false |
allow-clear | Whether to allow clear | Boolean | true |
readonly | Whether it is read-only | Boolean | false |
size | The size of the date picker | String | medium |
shortcuts | Quick selection of preset time range | Array | [] |
shortcuts-position | The position of the preset range on the panel, which is placed at the bottom by default, and the side is generally used for scenes with a large number of preset times | String | bottom |
position | The position of the pop-up box | String | bl |
popup-visible | Control the open or closed state of the pop-up box | Boolean | - |
default-popup-visible | The default pop-up box is open or closed | Boolean | false |
trigger-props | You can pass in the parameters of the Trigger component | TriggerProps | - |
unmount-on-close | Whether to destroy the DOM structure when hiding | Boolean | false |
placeholder | Prompt | String | - |
disabled | Whether to disable | Boolean | false |
disabled-date | Unselectable date | Function | - |
disabled-time | Unselectable time | Function | - |
picker-value(v-model) | Date displayed on the panel | Date String Number | - |
default-picker-value | The date displayed on the panel by default | Date String Number | - |
popup-container | Mount container for pop-up box | String HTMLElement Null Undefined | - |
value-format | The format of the value, valid for value / defaultValue / pickerValue / defaultPickerValue and the return value in the event, supports setting as timestamp, Date and string (refer to String parsing format ). If not specified, it will be formatted as a string, in the same format as format. | Timestamp Date String | - |
preview-shortcut | Whether to preview the result of the shortcut | Boolean | true |
show-confirm-btn | Whether to show the confirm button, always show when showTime is true. | Boolean | false |
disabled-input | Whether input is disabled with the keyboard. | Boolean | false |
abbreviation | Whether to enable abbreviation | Boolean | true |
Common Events
Name | Description | Type |
change | The component value changes | Function |
select | The selected date has changed but the component value has not changed | Function |
popup-visible-change | Open or close the pop-up box | Function |
ok | Click the confirm button | Function |
clear | Click the clear button | Function |
select-shortcut | Click on the shortcut option | Function |
picker-value-change | Panel date change | Function |
Date-Picker Attributes
Name | Description |
prefix | Input box prefix |
suffix-icon | Input box suffix icon |
icon-next-double | Double arrow page backward icon |
icon-prev-double | Double arrow page forward icon |
icon-next | Single arrow page backward icon |
icon-prev | Single arrow page forward icon |
cell | Customize the contents of the date cell |
extra | Extra footer |
Week-Picker Attributes
Name | Description | Type | Default |
v-model | Value | Date String Number | - |
default-value | Default value | Date String Number | - |
format | Display the format of the date, refer to String Parsing Format | String | gggg-wo |
value-format | The format of the value, valid for value / defaultValue / pickerValue / defaultPickerValue and the return value in the event, supports setting as timestamp, Date and string(refer toString parsing format). | String | YYYY-MM-DD |
day-start-of-week | The first day of the week starts on the day of the week, 0-Sunday, 1-Monday, and so on. | Number | 0 |
Quarter-Picker Attributes
Name | Description | Type | Default |
v-model | Value | Date String Number | - |
default-value | Default value | Date String Number | - |
format | Display the format of the date, refer to String parsing format | String | YYYY-MM |
value-format | The format of the value, valid for value / defaultValue / pickerValue / defaultPickerValue and the return value in the event, supports setting as timestamp, Date and string (refer to String parsing format). | String | YYYY-MM |
Month-Picker Attributes
Name | Description | Type | Default |
model-value / v-model | Value | Date String Number | - |
default-value | Default value | Date String Number | - |
format | Display the format of the date, refer to String parsing format | String | YYYY-MM |
Year-Picker Attributes
Name | Description | Type | Default |
model-value / v-model | Value | Date String Number | - |
default-value | Default value | Date String Number | - |
format | Display the format of the date, refer to String parsing format | String | YYYY |
Range-Picker Attributes
Name | Description | Type | Default |
mode | Type of range selector | String | date |
v-model | Value | Array | - |
default-value | Default value | Array | - |
picker-value | The date displayed in the default panel | Array | - |
default-picker-value | Date displayed on the panel | Array | - |
disabled | Whether to disable | Boolean Array | false |
day-start-of-week | The first day of the week starts on the day of the week, 0-Sunday, 1-Monday, and so on. | Number | 0 |
format | Display the format of the date, refer to String parsing format | String | - |
value-format | The format of the value, valid for value defaultValue pickerValue defaultPickerValue and the return value in the event, supports setting as timestamp, Date and string (refer to String parsing format). if not specified, it will be formatted as a string, in the same format as format . | Timestamp Date String | - |
show-time | Whether to increase time selection | Boolean | false |
time-picker-props | Time display parameters | Object | - |
placeholder | Prompt | Array | - |
disabled-date | Unselectable date | Function | - |
disabled-time | Unselectable time | Function | - |
separator | The segmentation symbol in the input box of the range selector | String | - |
exchange-time | Whether the time will be exchanged, by default time will affect and participate in the ordering of start and end values, if you want to fix the time order, you can turn it off. | String | true |
disabled-input | Whether input is disabled with the keyboard. | Boolean | false |
abbreviation | Whether to enable abbreviation | Boolean | true |
Range-Picker Events
Name | Description | Type |
change | The component value changes. | Function |
select | The selected date has changed but the component value has not changed. | Function |
popup-visible-change | Open or close the pop-up box | Function |
ok | Click the confirm button | Function |
clear | Click the clear button | Function |
select-shortcut | Click on the shortcut option | Function |
picker-value-change | Panel date change | Function |
Name | Description | Type | Default |
label | The content of shortcut | String Number Function | - |
value | The value of shortcut | Date String Number Array Function | - |
format | The format use to parse value, refer to String parsing format | String | - |
String parsing format
Format | Output | Description |
YY | 21 | Two-digit year |
YYYY | 2021 | Four-digit year |
M | 1-12 | Month, starting from 1 |
MM | 01-12 | Month, two digits |
MMM | Jan-Dec | Abbreviated month name |
MMMM | January-December | Full month name |
D | 1-31 | Day of the month |
DD | 01-31 | Day of the month, two digits |
d | 0-6 | Day of the week, Sunday is 0 |
dd | Su-Sa | The shortest name of the day of the week |
ddd | Sun-Sat | Abbreviated name of the day of the week |
dddd | Sunday-Saturday | The name of the day of the week |
H | 0-23 | Hour |
HH | 00-23 | Hour, two digits |
h | 1-12 | Hour, 12-hour clock |
hh | 01-12 | Hour, 12-hour clock, two digits |
m | 0-59 | Minute |
mm | 00-59 | Minute, two digits |
s | 0-59 | Second |
ss | 00-59 | Second, two digits |
S | 0-9 | Hundreds of milliseconds, one digits |
SS | 00-99 | Tens of milliseconds, two digits |
SSS | 000-999 | Millisecond, three digits |
Z | -5:00 | UTC offset |
ZZ | -0500 | UTC offset, add 0 in front of the number |
A | AM PM | - |
a | am pm | - |
Do | 1st... 3st | Day of month with serial number |
X | 1410715640.579 | Unix timestamp |
x | 1410715640579 | Unix millisecond timestamp |