Informs users while preserving the current page state.
Global method:Tu View Plus has added a global method $modal for app.config.globalProperties. So in a vue instance you can call Modal like what we did in this page.
Local import:in this case you should call TuMessage(options). We have also registered methods for different types, e.g. TuMessage.success(options). You can call TuMessage.closeAll() to manually close all the instances.
Use component:use tu-modal component.
Basic usage
The basic usage of the modal.
There are four types of notice: info, success, warning, error, and only a confirmation button is provided to close the notice. The message defaults to enable simple and hideCancel by default, if you want to cancel, you can set it again.
Open a new modal in the modal.
Async close
Asynchronous shutdown can be implemented more concisely through on-before-ok
Modal width
Set width is auto to make the dialog box adapt to the width
Enables the draggable property, which allows the user to drag the dialog.
Enable the fullscreen property to make the dialog fill the entire container.
Besides default size, tu-modal component provides three additional sizes for you to choose among different scenarios. Use attribute size to set additional sizes with mini, small, large.
Modal API
Modal Attributes
Name | Description | Type | Default |
visible(v-model) | Whether the modal is visible | Boolean | - |
default-visible | Whether the modal is visible by default (uncontrolled state) | Boolean | false |
width | The width of the dialog box, if not set, the width value in the style will be used | Number String | - |
top | The height from the top of the dialog box. It does not take effect when the center display is turned on. | Number String | - |
mask | Whether to show the mask | Boolean | true |
title | Title | String | - |
title-align | Horizontal alignment of the title | String | center |
align-center | Whether the dialog box is displayed in the center | Boolean | true |
unmount-on-close | Whether to uninstall the node when close | Boolean | false |
mask-closable | Whether to close the modal when click the mask | Boolean | true |
hide-cancel | Whether to hide the cancel button | Boolean | false |
simple | Whether to enable simple mode | Boolean | false |
closable | Whether to show the close button | Boolean | true |
ok-text | The content of the confirm button | String | - |
cancel-text | The content of the cancel button | String | - |
ok-loading | Whether the confirm button is in the loading state | Boolean | false |
ok-button-props | Props of confirm button | ButtonProps | - |
cancel-button-props | Props of cancel button | ButtonProps | - |
footer | Whether to show the footer | Boolean | true |
render-to-body | Whether the modal is mounted under the body element | Boolean | true |
popup-container | Mount container for modal | String HTMLElement | body |
mask-style | Mask style | String Object | - |
modal-class | The classname of the modal | String Array | - |
modal-style | Modal style | String Object | - |
on-before-ok | The callback function before the ok event is triggered. If false is returned, subsequent events will not be triggered, and done can also be used to close asynchronously. | Function | - |
on-before-cancel | The callback function before the cancel event is triggered. If it returns false, no subsequent events will be triggered. | Function | - |
esc-to-close | Whether to support the ESC key to close the dialog | Boolean | true |
draggable | Whether to support drag | Boolean | false |
fullscreen | Whether to enable full screen | Boolean | false |
mask-animation-name | Mask layer animation name | String | - |
modal-animation-name | Modal animation name | String | - |
body-class | The classname of the modal | String Array | - |
body-style | Modal style | String Object | - |
Modal Events
Name | Description | Type |
ok | Triggered when the OK button is clicked | Function |
cancel | Triggered when the cancel/close button is clicked | Function |
open | Triggered after the modal is opened (the animation ends) | - |
close | Triggered after the modal is closed (the animation ends) | - |
before-open | Triggered before dialog is opened | - |
before-close | Triggered before dialog is closed | - |
Modal Slots
Name | Description |
title | Title |
footer | Footer |